Sunday, 31 July 2011

Visiting my great-grandfather

4 short haired men.
Proof that the older generations work harder. Daddy showing me how to delegate.

Eating some great-grandpa organic produced beans.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Ian is a real crawler now!

So, this is a belated crawling video.  He has been crawling for over a week now, but now we have taken the time to capture it on video.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

To Oma and Opa's for a night

To enable mama and dada to go out for a night in honor of mama's 30th birthday, Ian gets to stay with Oma and Opa Mulder :) as you an see, he already feels at home there, and getting into the window blinds!

In other news, Ian has his 4th tooth now! 2nd on the top. It hasn't been very easy for him (or us)!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Too cool for school

Jean on jean may not be very fashion forward, but hey, my parents still think I am cute. Separately the pieces are definitely cool ;)

In other news, I am almost crawling.  I can crawl a very short distance, but then I fall down to my belly. I also have three teeth, with a fourth coming in at the top. They've been a little more painful than the bottom two.

Also, my mama is turning 30 years old in a few days.  Man, she's old!!!!! :-P


Sunday, 10 July 2011

A new world and I shall call it "da!"

It was a long journey, but I finally made it to the bright window in the distance. With my last strength,  I was  able to pull myself up and what I saw then was amazing. It was a weird mixture of big 4 wheeled objects with doors, 2 wheelers and people on and around them exchanging random goods. They looked up at me and I smiled back. I decided to retreat since the people down there looked big, for now at least ... to be continued........